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Xero API Accounting Interface


The Xero API Integration has been superseded by the Xero OAUTH2 Integration.

Please refer to the Xero OAUTH2 topic for information on setting up Xero with Idealpos.

This page has not been removed for historical and reference purposes.

The steps included on this page may no longer be valid, and therefore, we encourage you to refer to the Xero OAUTH2 topic.


This interface allows sales and purchase data from Idealpos to be posted directly into Xero accounting online. The Chart of Accounts in Xero are linked to the account types in Idealpos, this includes both sales and purchasing details. You will need to have a Xero account before commencing.


Before you begin


The Xero API option in Idealpos uses OAUTH1 to authenticate and establish a connection with Xero.

Xero will no longer support OAUTH1 connections from December 2020.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that existing customers who use Xero switch to using XERO (OAUTH2).

For any new customers who are configuring the Xero integration in Idealpos, please use XERO (OAUTH2).

Further details about configuring Idealpos with Xero OAUTH2 are available in the Xero OAUTH2 Accounting Interface topic.


We strongly recommend that you seek professional advice from your Accountant or Bookkeeper before using this module.  Linking the wrong Accounts in Idealpos can result in data being transferred incorrectly.


Our Xero Accounting Interface has been designed so that you do not have to re-create your selling or inventory items in Xero.  Instead, Idealpos transfers sales and purchase data to Xero. This interface does not support the transfer of individual stock items or Customers to Xero.


Idealpos Licensing Requirements

Your back-office PC will require the Xero Accounting Interface Add-On module.  Please contact your authorised reseller if you require this module.  You can check if your software is licensed for this module by looking at the user Licence Gateway.  Xero should be in the options field. If you are using the Head Office and Site Management Licenses, you will be required to have a “Xero” for each Site.


Xero API Limits


Xero has limitations on the number of API Calls and Invoices that can be sent to Xero each month. We recommend you check the Xero API Limits on their website to see if this interface is practical for your business and the volume of Invoices, Payments, Adjustments and Credits.


Xero File-based Interface


Check your Idealpos Licence for use with Xero

Add Idealpos as Xero Application

How to check your GST Accounting Method in Xero

Link Xero Customer to Idealpos


When a Layby becomes a Sale

Setup Xero Chart of Accounts with Idealpos

Accessing the Chart of Accounts in Xero

Import Chart of Accounts from CSV File

Mapping Xero Chart of Accounts to Idealpos

End Sales Period

Bank Reconciliation in Xero

Supplier Invoices

Xero – Journal Examples